Making sure that each student has a device
Education is evolving and so are students’ needs when it comes to school equipment. Many educators are looking at how tablets offer an alternative way of learning when it comes to the latest educational resources. Compared to the higher costs of printed textbooks, school software can be freely updated on a mass scale on a regular basis – saving on buying new book editions or manually updating individual laptops. Every student has the most up-to-date information at their fingertips.
Better focus, better learning
While some people may worry that tablets are a distraction, when used correctly they can offer better, more focussed learning. Educators have more control over content allowed on devices – whether it’s through apps or websites. And as students’ time and lesson progress is monitored automatically, teachers can spend more time teaching.
Case study: supplying 250 schools with up-to-date tech
Supporting digital learning for 220,000 students.
For a generation born into technology, learning from bulky textbooks can seem like a step backwards. So we’ve supplied many French students with a way to combine all their books – and other learning materials – into one, lightweight device.
- 95% of all students in the South Region of France now have access to a Lenovo tablet
- Over 1,200 textbooks are now digitised – making learning more interactive
- Familiar Google tools and apps that students use at home have helped make lessons easier to understand
- Students can take part in virtual classrooms, from wherever they are
Devices built for students of all ages
Our range of tablets are ideal for learning inside, and outside, the classroom
Why Android?
Five reasons to introduce Android tablets to your classrooms
Dedicated LanSchool classroom management on Lenovo tablets
The sector has changed a lot in recent times.
Our classroom management software is available for tablets, giving every student a better chance to thrive. While also ensuring that teachers can easily control what the class is able to access to direct their focus.
What you get from a Lenovo Android tablet for education
It’s much more than just convenience
Get in touch
Speak to a Lenovo specialist today to see how you can offer
even greater support to students and teachers.